Just Because Everyone Else is Doing It Doesn’t Make it Right…

Dave Vass
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Just because everyone is wearing a mask doesn’t make it right.

Just because governments everywhere around the world are making vaccines mandatory doesn’t make it right.

Just because the WHO is saying we should give up personal freedom for the idea of “public health safety” doesn’t make it right.

Just because the education system has always done it a certain way doesn’t make it right.

Just because everyone else is investing in the stock market doesn’t mean you should too.

Just because everyone goes to school to get a job to get a home to pay a mortgage doesn’t mean it’s the right way to live.

Just because society says you can’t be scientific and believe in God doesn’t mean they’re right.

Just because other startups do certain things doesn’t make it right for your startup.

I’m not suggesting all these things are wrong either. I just think most people don’t think for themselves. Even though we are the most “educated” society on earth, we have lost the ability to truly think independently.

If a doctor or government official or businessman tells you something why does that make it right or true? Why can’t you think and decide on your own if what he or she is saying is true or right for you? I guarantee you they don’t have a “better” brain than you.

And don’t pretend they “think better” because they have access to more data. Data is only as good at the one interpreting it who is making a shit load of assumptions. We live in 2021 where all the information in the world is at your fingertips.

Thinking on your own is scary (not to mention hard work). Because you just might arrive at a different opinion than everyone else. You just might end up doing things very differently from everyone else. And that’s scary because you’ll stand out.

That’s okay.

We need more critical thinkers. We need more people who aren’t afraid to be different, who aren’t afraid to go against the narrative when everyone else is.

Instead of attacking people who see things differently (and writing them off), maybe we should listen to them. Maybe, just maybe, the real thinkers throughout the ages (who often go against the narrative) happen to be the ones who are more right than those who followed everyone else.



Dave Vass

I dream big dreams and risk everything to make them happen.